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It's All Good

I've got the lyrics to Staind's "It's Been Awhile" in my head cause it's been SO long since I've posted on my blog.  But that song is fairly sad and I'm in too good a mood to go with a sad soundtrack.  I want to bounce my head and shake my bottom while grinning like an idiot with a tummy full of crayolas.

My hand is doing much better.  The partial plaster cast did come off; but then they put me in a full fiberglass cast for several weeks.  Now I'm in a soft (and thank the Gods, removable) brace and undergoing physical therapy which will probably continue for at least another month, maybe two.

I turned 35 on Monday, and I was not thrilled about it.  In addition to hitting a crappy landmark, I thought the day itself was a bit of a let down but thinking about it later: I can't complain. I got to have a nice bbq dinner with my family on the patio out front of our house in beautiful weather with my, newly returned, dog at my feet.  It was kind of the essence of a quiet, understated, spring birthday. 

Immediately following an equally beautiful Easter that had an unexpected perk, my stepson joined us, and an unexpected sadness, my stepdaughter did not.

Then Wednesday I bought myself my first car.  Yes my ex-husband and I owned two cars but they were his, I didn't have a license and never once so much as put the key in either ignition.  And yes, my boyfriend and I bought a mini-van last spring that I do drive; having finally gotten my license within days of purchasing said van and turning 34.  But this feels different.  And I feel different when I drive it.  Whether that's fair or not, I really don't care, because it was a present I've been promising myself for almost 20 years and I LOVE IT!

Thursday my oldest registered for her freshman college courses, inspiring both pride, joy and sadness.  Can I really be so old as to have a daughter in college?  I mean seriously I just got my license a year ago and my first car this week... I am obviously too young for such nonsense.  But no, it's real and she is fantastic.

Last night my two girls and I went for haircuts and shopping and had a lovely time out.  I'm watching slack-jawed as my seven year old races to keep up with her sister.  She's an incredible kid, so full of life and imagination, that I just want her to slow down so I can smell the roses before she's running off to college too.  It feels like she's blossoming this spring, having learned to master the two wheeler.  I'm just going to have hold on and enjoy the ride right along with her. 

Thankfully, my stepdaughter is only a toddler


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