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My Review of the Book KIRBY by Samantha Anne

This week I had the pleasure of reading Kirby written by Samantha Anne http://www.samanthaannebooks.com/ and published by Crimson Romance.

ABOUT THE BOOK (taken from the publisher’s website)

Rachel Sirianni is a twenty-seven year old native New Yorker with dreams of becoming an editor for Equinox Publishing, one of the top imprints in the city. And it seems she’s finally gotten her foot in the door, until one wild morning turns her fast track into an uphill climb.

Unable to pay her bills, she takes an unlikely second job to make ends meet and finds herself struggling to maintain two lives– her own, and that of her alter ego. Kirby is a sassy, imaginative, and extroverted fireball whom Rachel had no idea was lying dormant inside of her.

Enter Joe, a larger-than-life, brutally hot writer with a heart of gold. Rachel can’t seem to control herself around him, despite the fact that she’s sworn off men until she can get her career back on track. Their backgrounds and interests very nearly run parallel, and the Universe seems to keep pulling the pair together – in every aspect of Rachel’s life. What happens when two worlds collide, particularly where it concerns Joe? The ride of her life may just lead to love – or it could lead back to the drawing board.

By: Samantha Anne


I loved it! I remember as a kid watching classic romantic comedies with my mom and this book was like taking a trip back there. It brought to mind, specifically, the great Doris Day/Rock Hudson romp “Pillow Talk.”  It was just so much fun. I’ve already recommended this book to my mom but I warned her she’s not allowed to like it better than my book coming out next month. Sorry, Samantha.

I smiled from nearly beginning to end as Rachel just got herself deeper into love and deeper into trouble all the while alternating between following the bad advice and ignoring the good advice proffered by her best friend.  There’s even a back-stabbing ambitious, but under-talented, superior at work and if you have ever worked in an office environment you’ll know this character is drawn to PERFECTION. 

Ms. Anne’s hero, Joe, is maybe a little too-good to be true but who cares! He’s gorgeous, sexy, talented, funny, intelligent, a down-to-earth family friendly guy who believes in commitment before hanky-panky. It wasn’t until a day after I finished the book that I thought maybe Joe was a bit too Pollyanna but then I decided I was looking for a flaw because I wanted to jump his fictional bones and felt guilty for it.   

Read Kirby and then come wait with me for Samantha Anne’s next book.

Kirby is available at www.CrimsonRomance.com, www.amazon.com, www.BarnesandNoble.com, and www.iTunes.com.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


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