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Character Interview with Detective Heath Anderson from RETRIBUTION by Winter Austin

Today, from the Degrees of Darkness (“DoD”) series penned by Winter Austin, we have Remy LeBeau’s partner, the sexy, smart and sometimes suave Detective Heath Anderson. 
RELENTLESS Book #1 (read my review)    RETRIBUTION Book #2 (read my review)


But enough about Cody and Remy already, Heath I want to talk about you….

{-- Winter’s inspiration for Heath [yum-o!]

Blogger & fan segue: Winter has a wonderful set of Pinterest folders for her DoD series if you’d like to see the faces the author puts to her characters, I suggest you check out this link:
and this link:
Heath, thank you ever so much for being with me today. The first thing I need to know is: are you single? [I never said this was going to be piercing investigative journalism.]
H~ Sounds like you’ve been taking lessons from that one character, what’s her name, Maggie Gael. At the moment, I’m roped. But the gal I’m seeing sure makes a man dream.
Damn, you are taken! Speaking of women, I know you have very strong feelings about how they should be treated. Is that because of what happened between your sister and her ex or do you naturally have a strong chivalrous streak?
H~ Well, now that all depends. When I was on patrol I faced my share of women who didn’t know what chivalry was if it bit ’em in the rear. Uh, yeah, I guess you could say my ‘strong feelings’ as you put it come from taking care of Felicity, that’s my big sis. But then, I’m Texas born and raised. We Texas boys know better than to ever cross a Texas woman. Have you met my partner’s girlfriend, Cody?
Yes, I’m familiar with Cody (smile); I happen to admire women that hold their own and speak their mind. I couldn’t help but notice the attraction between you and Cody’s friend, Kim. Frankly you’d had to have been on Mars to miss it. What’s going on there?
H~ (chuckles) Kim’s one of a kind. I’m still trying to wrap my head around her and Cody being friends. What’s going on? We’re still working on that.
She *is* the one then – I knew it! What I don’t know is whether you prefer Hershey’s with Almonds or Peanut Butter Cups?
H~ Every woman who reads this is going to scream, I can just hear ’em. Uh, neither. I’m more of a non-chocolate kind of guy. I’d rather have a slice of my sister’s apple pie with a huge scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream.
That's nice, sweet and it means we don't have to share our chocolate. Do you think after the events in Retribution that you and Remy will be better partners? Maybe even friends like Cody and Kim?
H~ If he ever finds out what Cody’s planned with me, I might find myself strung from a tree. On the other hand, we sure as hell didn’t have a smooth case. I get the distinct feeling he’s still not telling me everything. But I’m holding out hope. LeBeau’s one of the best detectives I’ve seen and we do work well together, when we’re not bickering like a bunch of old women. And Cody sure has opened him up more. (shrugs) Who knows. That depends on him.
What’s your idea of a perfect date?
H~I think Kim and I just had it the other night. We went to an outdoor rodeo. One of those things I never did, but wanted to. She even took me behind the chutes to meet some of those cowboys. I think I’ll be taking her to a Cowboys football game next. (wink)
(grimace) The Cowboys? You’re really hot, I’m going to try my best not to hold that against you. Let’s focus on something else. How do you keep in shape?
H~ Might not look like it, but I love riding horses. Best exercise out there. I run a lot too, old training dies hard.
Hmmm? Old training? That’s interesting. Very interesting. But I made a promise to your author that I’m compelled to keep. I don’t know what kind of promises you made though which makes my next question the most important question I have: can you give me any kind of hints about what’s coming in the next book?
H~ Ha ha ha! Man, all I can tell you is Ms. Austin doesn’t hold back, she socks us all good in that one. There’s quite a few surprises even I wasn’t expecting. Hell, she even had fun torturing me. It ain’t called Revenge for nothing. But there is a huge pay off in the end.
Heath, it has been a pleasure. Thank you for taking time out of your sexy, I mean busy day to talk to me. I'll be waiting on pins and needles for the next book. In the meantime, be safe out there!
Want more?  Retribution is available now for your eReader of choice! 


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