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Hot Heroes Faceoff - Round 5

Hot Heroes Faceoff Round 5

The Battle is howling and rocking today - Tuesday June 18th!

Crimson Romance authors love their leading men and are willing to fight for them. Join us today, Tuesday June 18, 2013 for Round 5 of the Hot Heroes Faceoff! The event will last all day with the heroes posting details about themselves and their books—and yes, there will be many hot photos as the heroes rally for votes! AND free copies of the heroes books will be awarded to two lucky voters after the winner is announced!
The heroes squaring off this week are horse rancher, shape-shifting wolf, and two- time champion, Aidan Gael from FATED SOULS by Becky Flade and challenger Jay Carey, the 70’s British guitar god from CRIMSON AND CLOVER by Juli Page Morgan.
Our Hot Heroes have been getting ready for today’s Faceoff! Here are their strategies:

(our shape-shifting wolf) knows that having Maggie on his side is the best strategy he could have. He's been playing with Tala; working with his horses; loving his woman; just enjoying each and every day that he's blessed with; and getting a little silly in front of the camera. He know' his luck with this whole HHF thing is going to run out eventually - Aidan figures it's time to have some fun.

(our British guitar legend) is just going about his usual routine - writing and playing music, sleeping late, and floating in the pool on an air mattress. (But always in the shallow end - he can't swim!) I have, however, noticed him casting an eye toward the photographs Katie is assembling for the HHF, and I figure he'll go through them and argue with her about certain shots before next week. He's a little rattled about going up against a guy as ripped as Aidan, especially since the only exercise Jay ever gets is lifting a guitar and blistering hot sex with Katie.

Join us today! Shape-shifting paranormal collides with 70's flower power. It's going to be epic! 

 Join the conversation on Twitter, get updates on how the heroes are training, and pick a team.
           #teamAidan                                      #hotherofaceoff                              #teamJay
♥  ♥  ♥  ♥
To read a sexy excerpt from both Fated Souls and Crimson & Clover, scroll to the tab above that says Anniversary Blog Hop - A Year in Love (or just click this link)! You'll find my excerpt there and a link to Juli's. You'll also find entries for prizes, free books, and an original short story collaborated on by 7 different Crimson Romance authors. Good luck, happy reading and don't forget to vote in Round Five of the Hot Hero Faceoff ♥


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