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Paranormal Romance on Sale!

Check out this amazing selection of paranormal romances available
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Incandescent (Crimson Romance) Seal of Destiny (Crimson Romance) Love, Eternally (Crimson Romance) After the Fall (Crimson Romance)
Incandescent (Crimson Romance)
by M. V. Freeman
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Seal of Destiny (Crimson Romance)
by Traci Douglass
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Love, Eternally (Crimson Romance)
by Morgan O'Neill
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After the Fall (Crimson Romance)
by Morgan O'Neill
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Return to Me (Crimson Romance) Defiant Surrender (Crimson Romance) Fated Souls (Crimson Romance) Midnight Engagement (Crimson Romance)
Return to Me (Crimson Romance)
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Defiant Surrender (Crimson Romance)
by Tamara Gill
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Fated Souls (Crimson Romance)
by Becky Flade
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Midnight Engagement (Crimson Romance)
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Swamp Magic (Crimson Romance) Soul Seducer (Crimson Romance) Of Eternal Life (Crimson Romance) Of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Crimson Romance)
Swamp Magic (Crimson Romance)
by Bobbi Romans
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Soul Seducer (Crimson Romance)
by Alicia Dean
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Of Eternal Life (Crimson Romance)
by Micah Persell
3.8 out of 5 stars (44)
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Of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Crimson Romance)
by Micah Persell
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Angel Bait (Crimson Romance) Smitten Image (Crimson Romance) A Stolen Season (Crimson Romance)
Angel Bait (Crimson Romance)
by Tricia Skinner
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Smitten Image (Crimson Romance)
by Pam B. Morris
4.3 out of 5 stars (24)
Kindle Price: $1.99
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A Stolen Season (Crimson Romance)
by Tamara Gill
4.9 out of 5 stars (7)
Kindle Price: $1.99
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