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My Review of the book NECESSARY EVIL by Stephanie Freeman

Over the weekend I read, no I experienced Necessary Evil written by author Stephanie Freeman http://stephaniemfreemanauthor.wordpress.com/ and published by Crimson Romance. The heat level is sensual. And believe it or not this book is currently on sale for $1.99 on Amazon!  

ABOUT THE BOOK (taken from the publisher’s website)

“Ever do something, cop? Something . . . something you don’t like doing but you know you must?”

Detective Cassiel Garret suspects the pretty young temp worker knows more about a string of audacious bank robberies and jewel heists than she’s letting on. But there’s something about her, something that all of his training tells him is terribly wrong. An even deeper knowing makes him believe she’s more than a common thief or an accessory to the crimes that are plaguing his hometown. Does he forego all of his training to follow his heart—or will a call to duty win out?

Her question was simple, but her answer was not. Could he forgive her the unforgivable? Alana Symone will stop at nothing to protect the ones she loves—even the stranger who seems hell-bent on either putting her behind bars or loving her for the rest of her life.

By Stephanie Freeman


When author Stephanie Freeman gifted me with Unfinished Business, the sequel to Necessary Evil, it was with her solid assurance that Business could be enjoyed as a stand-alone novel. But as a diehard bibliophile, I prefer reading the story in the order the author envisioned. And that meant buying Evil and watching Cassiel and Alana’s drama unfold from the start. Considering the emotional roller coaster, the beautiful and heart-wrenching tale that drama was, I’ll be forever grateful that I did just that.

Freeman told a gripping, suspenseful story filled with brave, honest characters and poetic, often heart-breaking prose. Moving at cross purposes but headed toward the same fatal conclusion, this is a story of star crossed lovers that goes above and beyond the norm. Alana has survived a lifetime of suffering too horrible for most people to even imagine let alone rise above but instead of becoming hardened, or broken, she puts the well-being of others first; prepared even to sacrifice her life to protect those for whom she cares most. While Cass, a police officer tormented by the death of his twin brother, fights to find a way to keep Alana safe and still walk the line he swore to defend when he strapped on his badge. The bond they share is more than love but impossibly dangerous.

To say that I was moved by Cass and Alana would be a gross understatement; I had to take a day to settle myself and collect my thoughts. Evil left me with an emotional hangover fans of true romance will understand and appreciate. Freeman possesses a rare talent – “Cassiel Garrett was beautiful because he was deadly and deadly because he was beautiful and the hole in his soul knew the why of it all.”

Necessary Evil is available at: Crimson Romance ebooks, Amazon, B&N, iTunes and everywhere fine eBooks are sold. Necessary Evil is also available in paperback on demand. And the Kindle version is currently on sale for $1.99!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

The next book on my queue?  Unfinished Business the sequel to Necessary Evil with a review to come - stay tuned  


  1. Thank you for a wonderful post, Becky. I love Stephanie's gripping characterizations! Alana and Cass have caught and held me for a long while. I will not forget them.


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