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Moroad Motorcycle Club Series


Book #1


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All Romance




Empathy is an emotion that has always evaded Cam Farrell, president of the Moroad Motorcycle Club and prisoner #18794. He's gambled with his life to finish the gun chain running across the states, get the majority of his MC brothers working inside the prison system, and place the smoke screen in Federal, Idaho. He only needs one more thing—Christina. What he wants, he takes, and freedom doesn't mean a damn thing.

Christina Nickelson keeps to herself and uses her part-time job for Silver Valley's Department of Children's Services to help those who are also alone and hurting. The anger and fear she thought she'd overcome after her parents were murdered resurfaces when an ex-convict and leader of a motorcycle club claims a teenage boy in her care. She can't let her worries go. Putting herself at risk, she finds herself held hostage, witnessing a murder, and questioning fate. The only person she can rely on is the biker who will kill her if she tries to leave.

My Review

It’s difficult to put into words my reaction to this book. The reader takes an emotional journey along with the characters and it left me desperate for more but terrified of what happens next. It’s my understanding that there is a Moroad support group and I can understand why one would be necessary. Cam is the ultimate anti-hero and Christine a tragic heroine. Debra’s storytelling is raw. Alternatively funny, dark and heartbreaking with hot as hell sex, this book should come with a warning label.


Book #2

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All Romance

Cam Farrell, president of the Moroad Motorcycle Club, struggles to adjust to living on the outside after spending the last eighteen months in prison. Pressured to confess to his part in the crime of bringing his son into the club, he must make drastic changes to stay ahead of the law and prove to Christina he will never leave her again. The noose tightens as he faces the possibility of losing everything he's worked for within the Moroad MC. Can he save his club, his woman, his son, and his life? 

Some people in Federal call Christina insane for loving a criminal, but Cam's presence has always provided her with an inner strength she's found nowhere else. Christina's worries increase when Cam arrives home more hardened, more violent, and more determined to continue the life of crime that has dictated his life. Caught between her fear of losing him and forcing Cam to fulfill his promises, Christina must face the truth. Love has no boundaries and some things are better off staying buried.

My Review

Picks up where Wrapped let off – only things are different because Cam is darker and Christine has grown stronger. Their son, his club, secrets and a man determined to drive Cam & Christine apart keep this unique couple from finding their happy. Of the three, this was my favorite and cemented my addiction to Moroard.


Book #3  


One breath leaves him weak. Love hurts. 

President of Moroad Motorcycle club and career criminal, Cam Farrell gets a second chance at life. He promises to keep Christina at his side and bring his son home alive. But, when new secrets come out and club business sparks a war, Cam must learn that family comes first or risk losing control of his club, his MC brothers in prison, his woman. 

Nothing is black or white. Sometimes bad people win. 

Determined to make sure Cam stays alive and Jeremy comes home, Christina Nickelson stands up against Cam, the club, and society. At her lowest, she's willing to fight dirty to make sure her unconventional family stays together. Even at the risk of losing Cam's love. 

My Review 

The third and final installment in Cam and Christine’s fairy tale – if fairy tales included guns and motorcycles [more should IMHO]. Don’t confuse Bantorus with Moroad; the series, like their characters, are polar opposites. Debra shows the darker side of living in Federal, the obsession that can accompany love, the desperation betrayal can cause and how hard happily ever after can be. I had a CAM hangover when I was done but it was worth it.


Best Selling Romance Author, Debra Kayn lives with her family at the foot of the Bitterroot Mountains in beautiful Northern Idaho. She enjoys riding motorcycles, playing tennis, fishing, photography, and creating chaos for the men in the garage.

When Debra was nineteen years old, a man kissed her without introducing himself. When they finally came up for air, the first words out of his mouth were...will you have my babies? Considering Debra's weakness for a sexy, badass man, who is strong enough to survive her attitude, she said yes. A quick wedding at the House of Amour and four babies later, she's living her own unbelievable romance book. 



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