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Getting Up Close & Personal with the Bad Guys

Becky, it is such a pleasure to be back on your blog. You have read all five books from Shadows and Light: The Complete Series and have met all the characters. In your review for In the Shadow of Malice, you wrote, “Nancy’s villains are evil and I do mean evil. They have no redeeming qualities whatsoever, making the flawed but charming heroes even more appealing in contrast.”
For this blog visit, I thought it might be fun for you to meet a couple of my villains and see for yourself if you still believe they have no redeeming qualities. I would like to introduce Elías Mendoza from In the Shadow of Evil and In the Shadow of Vengeance and Mick Ryan from In the Shadow of Pride.
[Both men enter the room. Mendoza is dressed in a dark navy suit that screams expensive. Ryan on the other hand wears black jeans with a black t-shirt, the muscles in his torso, shoulders and arms well toned. Mendoza approaches Becky and holds out his hand.]
Elías Mendoza: “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Becky.”
[He chooses the wingback chair, sits with his back straight and a knowing grin, charm oozing from every pore. Mick Ryan doesn’t say a thing as he drops into the loveseat. His facial features are hard, cold. Nancy must have dragged him here by the ear.]
Becky: “Well, this is a surprise. It’s a pleasure to meet both of you. To start this interview, can each of you tell my readers a little about yourself? Nancy considers you her villains. Do you think of yourselves as bad guys?”
Mick Ryan: “Hell no! I should be called a hero for what I have done. I’m a soldier who fought for this country.”
Elías Mendoza: “Now Ryan, let us not attack this beautiful woman. Becky, you don’t mine me calling you Becky?”
Becky: [Turns her glare away from Ryan.] “Not at all. What should I call you?”
Elías Mendoza: “Elías, please. It’s a pleasure to be here. I hope to change your mind about me. To answer your question, my name is Elías Mendoza and I control a multi-national corporation.”
Becky: “An illegal corporation …”
Elías Mendoza: “Some, but not all of my businesses are illegal. In fact, I deal with some of the most powerful people in the world. Why would they associate with me if I had no redeeming qualities?” [He leans back and leers]
Becky: “Elías, can you tell me about your relationship with Jennie McNeil?”
Elías Mendoza: “Jennie and I have an understanding. She is destined to be with me.”
Becky: “How could that be possible? You killed her parents and brother.”
Elías Mendoza: “Careful, Becky. Spoiler Alert.” [He lets out a harsh laugh and glances at Nancy] “We are connected by a bond so much stronger than anything that bastard Jared McNeil could provide her. The moment we saved each other, our bond was sealed.” [His irises swim in pools of blackness] “I never let go of what is mine.”
Becky: [Looks down at her notes, swallows and turns to Mick Ryan] “So Mr. Ryan, can you tell us a little about yourself?”
Mick Ryan: “Readers don’t like me very much but I don’t give a fu—I don’t care what they think of me. I was a damn good soldier.”
Becky: “That isn’t why they don’t like you. There was that business with a drone that raised a few eyes. Can you tell us a little why you went after Lexie Trevena?”
Mick Ryan: “In war, we use the resources available to meet our mission objectives. I have nothing against Lexie. She was a means to an end.”
Becky: “But you are no longer a soldier …”
Mick Ryan: “Once a soldier, always a soldier. The battle didn’t end in the Middle East. It followed us home. But those damn politicians in Austin and DC have their heads up their as—sorry, Nancy said to keep it PG. I’m just protecting my country.”
Becky: “If you could rewrite one scene in Nancy’s book, what would it be?”
[Both men glared at each other]  “The ending!”
Becky: “Fair enough. I get that you don’t care for the ending. Nancy ends her books with a happy-ever-after that tugs at her reader’s heart strings. Don’t you believe in love?”
Mick Ryan: “I love my country.”
Elías Mendoza: “It’s an illusion”.
Becky: “So you’re not in love with Jennie?”
Elías Mendoza: “Jennie’s mine. I own her and she owns me. Love doesn’t exist.”
Becky: “All right, then. Maybe a couple fun questions. Mr. Ryan, what is your favorite food?”
Mick Ryan: “Why the hell do you want to know that?” [Nancy clears her throat] Fine! If MREs are good enough for the men I served with, they are good enough for me.”
Elías Mendoza: “Neanderthal! You have no class. [His eyes rake Becky from head to toe, returning to her breast.] “How about I show you? Have dinner with me.”
Becky: [Dry throat but tries to smile] “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Besides being married, I like my men a little less … evil.”
Mick Ryan: [He stands. His back straight and expression is almost too cold to meet eye to eye.] “Nancy said we had to answer a couple questions. This interview is over.”
Elías Mendoza: [He reaches for Becky’s hand, kissing her knuckles.] “Did we redeem ourselves?”
Becky: [Shudder] “I think I’ll hold judgment until my readers have had a chance to experience you through Nancy’s books. This has been an interesting interview. I appreciate you both taking time to talk to me.  I can’t wait for the readers to get to know you both a little better.”
Elías Mendoza: “They may realize that Ryan and I aren’t the true villains.”
Becky: “They could but I wouldn’t hold my breath.”
[Elías Mendoza and Mick Ryan leave, closing the door behind them.]
Nancy: “I feel I need to apologize.” J
Becky: “Girlfriend, when you write a villain, you go over the top. How did you live in their heads for months?”
Nancy: “I had the McNeil brothers and my amazing heroines to balance the scales. Thanks so much for inviting me back. I left behind a short blurb of each of the books in Shadows and Light: The Complete Series. I better get those two back where they belong.”
Becky: [Letting out a noisy sigh] “Wherever you plan to hold those two, buy a larger lock.” 
Brief Bio:
Nancy C. Weeks lives in suburban Maryland with her husband of more than thirty years. With her two grown children out of the nest, she loves spending her days on her deck writing as the local bird population keeps her company.
Find Nancy at:
Twitter: @NancyCWeeks

Meet five Irish brothers, all sworn to protect and serve - and the smart women who help them take down the terrorists gunning for their family. Lock up your heart: when it comes to love, the sexy McNeils know how to walk this beat.
•           In the Shadow of Greed: Brilliant cryptologist Dr. Sarah Tu races against time to block the most dangerous Internet malware ever created - and it's up to FBI agent Jason McNeil to make sure she stays alive long enough to do it.
•           In the Shadow of Evil: After ten years with Maryland's Special Crime Unit, very little rattles Jared McNeil. Then his nemesis resurfaces, with his sights set on the woman Jared is honor bound to protect.
•           In the Shadow of Malice: Adam Blake, ex-CIA operative, has gone to great lengths to keep his identity a secret, but his cover's blown when he ends up on the run with waitress Calista Martin to protect his little girl.
•           In the Shadow of Pride: When Lexie Trevena's matchmaking friends accidentally place her smack in the path of a terrorist who intends to use her as his pawn, the only person who can help her is Special Agent-in-Charge Luke "Mac" McNeil - the man she holds responsible for her husband's death.
•           In the Shadow of Vengeance: Elizabeth Merlot can't afford to let handsome Detective Noah McNeil discover her secret past. But when trouble finds her son, Noah may be the only one who can save their lives.
Sensuality Level: Sensual
♥  You can find my reviews of each book on this blog by searching for Nancy's name in the search box on the right side of this page! ♥


  1. Becky, thank you so much for having me today. I would like to say that Mendoza and Ryan just don't make a very good first impression...but that would be a lie. You are the very best and I love dropping by for a visit.

    1. I already wrote a reply but it disappeared! Nancy I love having you visit. You're way too sweet to have such wicked wicked men living in your imagination. Such a boon for the rest of us though when you let them out. Best of luck & lots of sales!

    2. Becky, I constantly hear how such a nice mom can created such crazy villains. I just laugh and say I'm not just a mom. :)

  2. Excellent interview, ladies. Keep those men on a tight leash, Nancy! May the sales be with you for your wonderful series!

    1. Now where did my reply to this go?????

    2. Hi! Deborah! Thanks for your kind words and for taking time to drop by. I have them under lock and key ... for now. Never know when these two may pop back up.

  3. Really enjoyed this interview! Wishing you the best with sales! Cool to have a boxed set!


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