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A Study in Temperance
by Ichabod Temperance
a steampunk / paranormal


“Gee, Miss Plumtartt, after our calamitous arrival on this unsuspecting city, do you think we are still under threat of imminent murder by gangs of assorted, yet stylish, assassins?”

“I say, I do fear this to be the case, Mr. Temperance. The machinations of intrigue are not unlike one of your ingenious spring-driven contraptions, sir. Yes, plots boil and swarms of suspicious characters are at our every turn, eh hem?”

“Yes, Ma’am, Miss Plumtartt, Ma’am. It’s a good thing we have enlisted the assistance of this notorious, Victorian-era London detective to assist us in this baffling murder mystery adventure, for I fear there is more to this tale than meets the eye!”


With the engagement of this mechanism, the cadence of my steed takes on a three part synchronization and a dramatic increase in speed.

Clinkety-Clonk! Clinkety-Clonk! Clinkety-Clonk!
Now that my friend Flicker is moving with a purpose, I concentrate on how to control her directions. The regular pull of the reins to the left and right seems to do the trick.

We’re making better time, but it ain’t enough by a long shot. I have one more stage of increasing my pace to work through. I hope I can control this brass beauty. We are already moving faster than the rest of London’s traffic and it is all I can do to control this clockwork charger, but I gotta do, what I gotta do.

I engage the next acceleration level. TinBiscuit achieves full gallop stage.

Clinkety!-Clonkety! Clinkety!-Clonkety!

Clinkety!-Clonkety! Clinkety!-Clonkety!


“Sorry, y’all! Oh, Iron Horsie, you’re a handful. I’m a visitor here and I shouldn’t oughtta be wrecking all these carriages and carts with the wheels and axles of this here fancy two-wheeler.”

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Ichabod Temperance is a silly little fellow living in picturesque Irondale, Alabama, USA, along with his lovely, gracious and kind muse, Miss Persephone Plumtartt and their furry pack family.

Ichabod Temperance's Amazon Author Page - https://www.amazon.com/Ichabod-Temperance/e/B00J71862M/

Ichabod Temperance's Website - http://ichabodtemperance.com/wp/

Ichabod on Twitter - https://twitter.com/IckyTemperance

A Study in Temperance will be $0.99 during the tour.

Ichabod Temperance will be awarding $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?

    1. Hi Mal.
      Don't make me pick a favourite! I love all food. in fact, I have never met a food a did not like. :-)
      Happy Thanksgiving!
      Happy Reading!
      ~Icky. :-)

  3. Thanks to Ichabod Temperance and Goddess Fish for allowing me to participate!


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