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💕BEFORE THE FALL (Covert Passions Book 3) is LIVE!

Covert Passions Book 3 🔫

Someone has been selling secrets to the enemy. Can Paige find the traitor before he finds her?

Suspended from field duty and relying on Eoin Fitzpatrick, her lover and former MI-6 officer, CIA covert agent Paige Fleming engages in a dangerous game of cat and mouse as she hunts for a traitor within the United States intelligence community.

For Paige, the stakes are personal. She’s begun to doubt herself, her ideals, her identity following multiple tragedies and missions gone awry. Convinced that a positive outcome will redeem her, Paige is determined to bring those responsible to justice. And equally determined to avoid the intimacy Eoin demands. 

Vulnerable and volatile, the sexy spy must beat the clock and the bad guys in an off-the-books mission that holds countless lives in the balance.

Including her own. 

(sensuality: Erotic)
Available exclusively at Amazon

Enjoy the following excerpt from Before the Fall:

“Whiskey is the devil.” She mumbled into her pillow, her tongue sticking to the roof of her mouth. She could smell alcohol-laced sweat and wished the moisture would stay put. She was already dehydrated.

“Spoken like a true Irishwoman.”

Acting on instinct and training, Paige sat, the sheet pooling around her waist. One of her many guns trained on the handsome, auburn-haired man across the room from her. Startling blue eyes stared at her and a generous mouth mocked her—much as they had the first time they’d met.

“Mind lowering that, a ghrá? I’m still recovering from the last time you shot me.”

“Eoin?” Paige tossed the gun to the mattress. “What are you doing here?”

“Daniels didn’t tell you?  I’m providing field support.”

She looked at him with one eye, the other squeezed shut in a useless gesture to lessen the sun’s impact. The last time they worked together she shot him. She had believed they’d never see each other again. His gaze assessed. She pulled the sheet over herself. The unexpected modesty surprised her. His expression indicated it surprised him too.

“There is water and a shot of whiskey on your nightstand, along with a few tablets of ibuprofen I pilfered from your medicine cabinet.” He stood, his body stiff, wincing as he leaned on a cane. In the time it took for him to cross to her, his movements became more fluid. He leaned over her. “I’ll meet you downstairs. But first . . .”

Eoin skimmed his fingers along the framework of her face until he cupped her chin. His thumb brushed her bottom lip. His mouth cruised over hers in a sweet caress. “You matter.”

Paige fell back onto the bed as the door closed behind him. She’d lost count of the moments Eoin had been present in her thoughts in the three weeks since she’d left Dublin. They’d spoken once while she’d been in Prague. The conversation had ended badly. She had refused to call or text him since returning to the states. And he hadn’t, to her knowledge, attempted to contact her either. Now he was here, and providing logistical support on an internal investigation.

What is Daniels up to?

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