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Fated Desires Release Day Giveaway

I had only intended Fated Souls to be a short, funny story about a werewolf 'marking' his woman. But it grew and it grew into characters I came to love. Characters I wasn't ready to say goodbye to despite their having found their own happily ever after. 

Unable to shake Maggie and Aidan, or the cast of quirky townsfolk that made The Cove such a delightful place to visit, I discovered I had more stories to tell. Henley and Carter's emotional journey to love blossomed. I've never written anything as quickly as I did Fated Hearts. 

However, my journey wasn't over. 

Fated Desires clawed to be told but of the three it was hardest to tell. There were many re-writes, many revisions, before the book releasing Monday May 15, 2017, was ready for readers. But it is ready and in celebration I'm offering one reader a chance to win all three Trappers' Cove romances on Fated Desires' release day. 

Good luck and enjoy.

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