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March is for Powerful Women #MFRWHooks

March is National Women’s History Month and March 8th – specifically – is International Women’s Day!

I love writing strong, unique women. They’re imperfect and perfectly inspiring.
  Learn a little about my leading my ladies below.  Each one is special in her own way. I've been told that Maggie is not unlike me (especially with her sassy mouth); and I know Henley and Jenna were inspired by my two best friends, Jen and Jacquie, respectively. And Tala is an amalgamation of all the things I see in  my two daughters. Kylee is the best of them all and she admires her mom as I admire my own. Lexi is both damaged and determined - nothing stands in her way!

You can find them HALF PRICE FOR EVERY DEVICE [including Kindle] while Smashwords and Tirgearr celebrate Read an Ebook Week from March 6th through the 12th

Smashwords – Fated Souls – a book by Becky Flade

[always 99 cents!]

“I already know what kind of card player you’d be.” At his blank stare, Maggie smiled. “You’d want to play it balls to the wall, but you’d put instinct in check and take the safest, quietest hand, make the most reserved bets, and fold rather than risk chance.”

Smashwords – Fated Hearts – a book by Becky Flade

[regularly priced at $1.99]

Henley enjoyed the full, throaty sound of his surprised laughter. He didn’t speak like a Midwesterner, yet she couldn’t place his distinctive accent. Her pulse thrummed in a delicious rhythm she hadn’t felt in a long time. He was probably harmless. But a fission of sexual awareness and “probably harmless” weren’t good enough reasons to override basic caution.

Smashwords – Fated Desires – a book by Becky Flade

[regularly priced at $2.99]

Jenna felt the familiar kick of desire. She’d never understood the girls who spoke of butterflies and stirrings. For her it was more akin to a donkey kick - pleasurable, sure, like the first jolt of caffeine in the morning and as sure and swift and strong. Her pulse sped up and she knew the vein in her neck would visibly pulse; it did when she was angry and when she was aroused.

Smashwords – Fated Always – a book by Becky Flade

[regularly priced at $3.99]

“She’s part of the pack I’ve been researching. They’ve grown familiar with me and my scent. Sometimes you can even see them near the cabin.” Tala resisted the urge to show off and pet Magda’s thick pelt. The she-wolf would let her. But safeguarding her secret was more important. “I call her Magda. She’s the alpha’s mate and a new mother.”

Smashwords – A Love Restrained – a book by Becky Flade

[regularly priced at $2.99]

“Philly PD, you’re under arrest. Slowly put your hands above your head and against the wall to your left.” Kylee closed the few feet between them, using her free hand to release the handcuffs from her belt, the other remaining on her weapon. She cuffed him, with practiced efficiency, and then read him his rights before leading him out of the alley, preferring to do the pat down with her partner present.

Smashwords – Fall to Pieces – a book by Becky Flade

[regularly priced at $3.99]

The sorrow and the weight of Monica Welsh’s grief could bury Lexi if she let it. Lexi took a deep breath, welcomed the muggy air of August. Her emotions served no purpose. Would only be a selfish indulgence. What this woman needed; Lexi could never provide.

Tell us about a woman you admire in the comments below


  1. What a wonderful post. So great to see strong heroines featured in your romances. As for strong females I admire? My mother, grandmothers, and aunties.

  2. I enjoyed your post. Great to see you feature strong women in your romances. I do the same. As for strong females, my mother, raised me alone and worked to support us the best way she could.


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