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Black Hats White Cats #Villains #MFRWHooks

 Black Hats, White Cats

Villains are the most interesting characters

He was small in every sense of the word, with a dainty build and nearly childlike features. Xavier’s grandmother—God bless her—liked to use the word “dandy” to describe effeminate men. She’d have called this man a dandy–until she looked into his eyes. They were dark and cold. Like a shark. His smile was malevolent. Like fangs hid beneath the expression. The tall man who came in beside him, oozing criminal defense lawyer, stepped away to talk to the desk sergeant, and the dandy approached their paired desks.

“Detective Danvers.” His voice was as quiet and as soft as he looked but oddly as menacing as the void in his eyes. “Congratulations on the promotion. Did you get my flowers?”

Alexandra didn’t respond. Didn’t blink.

“It’s rude, you know, not to send a thank-you card when someone sends a polite gesture, like flowers, to mark a special occasion. I wonder why your mother did not teach you better. From what I understand, she is a delicate woman. And the delicate tend, in my experience, to have graceful manners.” He brushed imaginary lint from his pressed shirt. “But then you never acknowledged the condolence card I sent when your husband passed. I guess I should not have expected a thank-you card for the flowers.”

“The plastic surgeon did a hell of a job repairing your face; every penny of the City’s check you spent was worth it.”

The man’s fingertips, obviously manicured, curled into talons and then relaxed, though his smile didn’t return. “I expect I have you to thank for my invitation to come in and be interviewed. I cannot imagine why. Neither can my attorney. But please, Detective, continue your current course. Destroy your career while I laugh all the way to the bank. Again.”

“Arthur.” The lawyer called to him as Captain Shepherd opened his office door.

“This will be fun.” He sang.

“This isn’t a game, Book.”

“Oh, it is. Just not one you can win.” His lawyer hailed him a second time, and the small man Alexandra called Book painted a charming smile on his face and joined him. Xavier had never, in all his years, seen someone hide behind a mask so effectively.    

Fall to Pieces

Becky Flade

With the department working against her, Philadelphia Homicide Detective Alexandra Danvers is determined to bring child killer, Arthur Book, to justice, no matter the cost.

Police corruption specialist, Detective Xavier Knight, a man without a home, friends, or family, is asked to evaluate Lexi’s fitness for duty while undercover as her new partner. He fears his actual mission–investigate Lexi–could allow a monster to walk free.

Though holding tight to their own secrets, they launch a covert investigation into Arthur Book which could cost Lexi and Xavier their careers, and possibly their lives.


Fall to Pieces has been nominated for a RONE Award

Go to https://indtale.com/2022-rone-awards-week-one-april-11-17 before 11:59 p.m. on April 17th and vote for FALL TO PIECES ** You MUST be registered on the InD’Tale website in order to vote.



Fall to Pieces

Kirkus Review


“Patchwork pieces of crime, intrigue, and romance fall into place perfectly.” https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/becky-flade/fall-to-pieces/




Fall to Pieces

Midwest Book Review


“…a powerful story of one determined woman who faces the biggest case of her life...” – D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer




Fall to Pieces

InD’Tale Magazine


“This emotionally-laden tale is worth the tears and heartache.” – Sadie Wilson https://indtale.com/reviews/suspense-thriller/fall-pieces




  1. There is a threatening air about this excerpt. Interesting

    1. I'm so pleased you picked up on that - I'd worried it was too subtle.

  2. ' “The plastic surgeon did a hell of a job repairing your face; every penny of the City’s check you spent was worth it.”

    The man’s fingertips, obviously manicured, curled into talons and then relaxed, though his smile didn’t return. '

    This moment was so vivid! I love a strong female lead - and it's even better when you get these moments of subtle victories in dialogue. Fantastic excerpt!

  3. I read this book and gave it a four-star rating. It's a well-written gritty detective story with engaging characters and I appreciated the opportunity to review it. Tweeted.


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