My stomach has hurt for three days now and I am refusing to seek medical attention for it, much to my family's irritation. I don't have a good reason for my refusal. In fact, it's pretty immature and irrational and since no one likes to admit to being immature and irrational, I'm going to be even more so and refuse to explain. Nanny nanny boo boo.
#Hello2016 My Name is..
GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED! OUR WINNER IS ANITA POWERS and I write romance, erotica, suspense, noir and whatever piece of fiction grabs my attention and demands to be written. You probably already knew that, didn't ya? Well, I bet you don't know that... 1) my blog started as an online journal in September 2010; 2) for at least the first year my daughter Casey was my only reader/follower and she'd hound me for a new post when I fell behind; 3) the post that has gotten the most views, ever, was "EROTICA BLOG DAY" - I have the sauciest followers - but my clean romances sell better; 4) I often draft posts while sitting in my underwear in front of the tv, snacking [who doesn't really? isn't that why they developed the internet]; 5) but I imagine myself sitting at an antique desk in a beautiful den with a glass of wine at my elbow - in my underwear. TELL ME A SECRET IN THE COMMENTS BELOW FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A $10 AMAZON GIFT CARD (don't ...
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