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My first week of exercise, water consumption and reduced caloric intake was a raging success with a 4.6 pound loss. I knew that type of radical loss could be misleading and was primed to expect a slight gain the following Saturday due to some expected bloating. The following Saturday showed a 1.5 pound gain, taking my total loss to 3.1 lbs for two weeks work. When I last used Spark to lose weight, I averaged 1.5 pounds per week, and with my 2 week loss at 3.1 pounds that tracked and I while not happy, I was content.

However, last Saturday I weighed in with a 0.5 pound gain; thereby reducing my total loss to 2.6 pounds in 3 weeks time for an average loss of a fraction over 0.8 pounds per week. I'm going in the wrong direction. I exercise at least 30 minutes a day every day. I'm strength training. I'm sleeping right; reducing calories and mainlining water. SO WTF?

It occurs to me that, exept the first week, I'm averaging a one pound GAIN per week and at this rate I'll be back to my starting weight before long. This is beyond discouraging. I'm starting to wonder what the hell I'm doing if all my efforts are not only non-productive but counter-productive? I feel like I'm wasting time and energy. I feel like I haven't a chance. I feel like I'm losing. And I hate to lose!

I have the measuring tape. I'm going to measure my bust, waist, hips, thighs & upper arms on Saturday after weigh-in. I'll record the totals and measure them again in a few weeks. Hopefully I'll see a change there since I'm not seeing one on the scale. But I'm worried that if I don't start seeing some forward momentum on the scale I'll quit before I start losing inches.

With Saturday slowly approaching, my apprehension is growing.


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