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It has been a hectic week.  I got an MRI on my hand, found out I do in fact need surgery, had a horrible run/walk session, had a great run/walk session, fell in step class, forgot my brace at home for a whole day, got picked for a random drug test, had lunch with an old friend and his new wife, booked the hall for my daughter's graduation/18th birthday party, my youngest got her report card...yeah it's been a hectic week but not a bad week.

Yesterday a random co-worker, whose name I don't know & whom I doubt knows my name, made a point to spark up a conversation with me, unprompted, just to tell me that I am visibly losing weight.  That definitely perked me up.  And tomorrow I'm going to Buckcherry's first headlining tour.  Really excited about that.  A little bummed I haven't lost enough weight yet to justify buying a new sexy outfit to wear.  I refuse to spend money on clothes for my current, interim weight.  Also, tomorrow morning I've got my first back on the street run planned.  Oh I am so looking forward to it. 

I know that sounds so lame, lol, I can't help it.  Yesterday I did 8 sets of 2:3 minute walk/run intervals for a total 5k distance and all I set all the walking segments on an incline to keep the intensity up.  I've done a handful of 1 mile straight on runs.  But all that was on the treadmill.  Tomorrow morning I'm going out on the street.  Which is harder then a treadmill which does part of the work for you.  I'm scared that it will suck and depress me but still excited to get out and go. 

As much as I hate getting up early, especially on a weekend when I don't HAVE to be up early, I love running first thing in the morning.  It seems to set the tone for the entire day.  Since my friend from out of town wanted to do lunch yesterday and my ex kept my baby overnight the evening before, I went into work about an hour and half earlier than I needed to and got my run intervals done first thing.  And I remembered why I like early morning workouts best.  It's the way I feel while I'm doing it; my energy level; that meditative state I find when I slide into that groove the one where my body takes over and my mind just soars; and starting my day on a burst of slow-dorphin euphoria.  Yay.


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