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Throw My Imagination from the Train

I’m writing this afternoon from a train on my way to Washington D.C. for a week long business trip. I’m not looking forward to the business end of the trip or being away from my family for the week. I am slightly pumped about the sheer number of uninterrupted writing hours I’m going to log. But right this very second I’m having flashes of one of my favorite Agie’s “Murder on the Orient Express” mixed with the incredibly funny movie “Throw Mama from the Train.”  Whoops, I’ve added a bit of Hitchcock to the mix. 

I have stuff I’m already working on: First, a series of erotic novellas I’m revising in an attempt to make them longer; they’re too short for publication purposes and I’ve decided I want to try to get them published. This is proving harder than I thought as I loved them as they were. Second, a sequel to the paranormal romance I recently submitted [quick note: I received an offer on that book late last week. Information I’ve been secretly hoarding till I receive the contract. Quiet YAY!] Third, I’ve been toying with the idea for a paranormal thriller, well to be honest it’s been toying with me, I can’t seem to shake it in favor of the other things I’m already working on. 

All this has been burgeoning from the recesses of my imagination since I dumped “The Stinker” last week (see blog post titled Natural Selection). Lately my writing has taken on a vaguely ADHD-esque style that while mostly un-productive it is decidedly satisfying. I’m not getting anywhere but I’m having a blast. I’ve a sudden insight as to why my fiancé can’t stay on any one station for any appreciable amount of time whenever he’s in charge of the remote control. Of course I’m going to be more than annoyed with myself when I find people crossing over into worlds where they do not belong.

And now I find myself waxing romantic about murder and mayhem on the railways because I’m shuffling down the Northeast Corridor on the businessclass express….

Ritalin anyone?

With as many times as the wi-fi has crapped out while drafting this post, it needs ritalin...and there it goes again


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