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What I’m reading 1/27/2013

I should point out, that as I haven’t finished the book yet, this is not a review. Last night I cracked open Storm Dancer (Dark Epic Fantasy) by my Twitter pal Rayne Hall. 

You see, I haven’t read fantasy of any genre since David Gemmel’s passing. Sufficed to say, I took his death hard.  The worlds he’d crafted were vivid and I was enveloped by the characters. His were not the only fantasy books I read but they were my favorites.

Since his death, my friends and family have recommended several different books and series, good ones I hear, like Game of Thrones, for example, but I have categorically refused them all. Till now. I chose to break my fast with Storm Dancer for a truly shallow reason: the depiction of the hero on the cover resembles my fiancé only with brown eyes instead of blue. 

Regardless of my reasoning, I am so glad I decided to take the plunge back into fantasy. I’m enjoying the story very much so far. The world is well-defined as are the characters. As I said in the beginning I’ve only just started the book. In fact, Dahoud and Merida, the hero and heroine, have only barely crossed paths at his point. I have quite a way to go; but I’m looking forward to seeing where their journeys take them and, by extension, me.


  1. Thanks, Becky. :-)
    Interesting that you mention David Gemmell.
    Back in the days when David lived in Hastings, we had interesting discussions about fantasy fiction, especially about motives, themes and plot. He encouraged me to structure my stories so the reader would not guess what would happen next. It'll be interesting to see if you think I've applied this advice successfully with Storm Dancer. :-)
    What's your favourite novel by David Gemmell? Mine is The Lion of Macedon.

    1. Rayne

      Wow! It's so hard for me to choose just one book of his but if forced to...Sword in the Storm. And now I feel like I betrayed Shannow hahaha.



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