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Erotica Blog Day (Yippee!)

Today’s blog is for adult audiences only. That’s right ladies and gents it’s erotica blog day. 

Last Tuesday I spent a few minutes identifying a few blogs I find helpful, supportive, interesting, etcetera, as a struggling writer and an avid reader. Today (I wish you could see the big smile I’m sporting) I’m going to list a few blogs I find a sexy, even raunchy, good time. The below listed blogs are in no particular order but each is maintained by a writer who dares to dive into the erotica genre. In addition to the books they write, which they often have to self-publish, they also run their blogs where they post stories, pictures and reviews of each other’s work. All the content is titillating, sensual and thought provoking; the ear marks of good erotica.

Women were ridiculed not thirty years ago for reading “bodice rippers” (I still have and love mine; there are some very good stories hidden behind those awful covers). I know from experience the sex scenes in those books were written intentionally vague and with such flowery descriptions I was often left wondering if the hero and heroine had made love at all.
The digital revolution may be a plague on traditional publishing but it has given women and men the ability to purchase and read the most sexually graphic literature imaginable with complete anonymity. The quality of the writing, the editing and the overall production has improved as supply and demand has required. And finally erotica has been mainstreamed. I say Amen.  Amen!  

Without further gilding the lily and with no more ado, I give to you some of my favorite erotica blogs*.


*Yes, I know I’m paraphrasing the character Chaucer in the 2001 movie A Knight’s Tale. I like that movie. Particularly how the female lead fights against the moral restraints placed upon women and women alone. And that’s all I have to say about that. ;-)


  1. Holy cow, Thank you Becky! I'm smack dab in the middle of a bunch of amazing women and authors. I'm humbled to be included at all, but wow to be with these ladies is outstanding! :)

    Licks and kisses!
    Bad Penny

  2. You're welcome & you deserve to be there.

  3. http://beckyflade.blogspot.com/2015/05/99cents.html

  4. Thanks Becky! I'm very humbled to be listed amongst such amazing writers. :) x


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