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What is the bunny apocalypse?  It is a flash fiction collaboration penned by twenty writers and then published on the moderators blog concluding on, appropriately enough, Easter day.   

What is flash fiction? I had no idea either. The always amazing Ksenia Anske put out a call on Twitter last week for writers interested in doing an Easter flash fiction called Bunny Apocalypse. Of course, having no idea what that was, armed only with the information above and the fact I had a 500 - 600 word limit, I jumped right in. I had this picture in my head of the Easter Bunny à la William Wallace in the movie Braveheart that just delighted me. I assumed each writer came up with an individual short piece. I hammered mine out real quick and zipped an email to Ksenia; I really wanted to make the cut (there was a black leather duster with a hole for the tail, plus purple war paint because Lenten vestments are purple). I was excited and symbolic.

I was also wrong; flash fiction is a round robin. Not helping? The first chapter sets up the initial premise. Each subsequent entry builds off the previous until there is one piece of collaborative fiction written [in this case] by twenty different authors.

My dorky enthusiasm got my entry voted as the lead. And now I get the unique pleasure of watching the story as it unfolds. I’ve already read the next several chapters ahead of the one I wrote. It gets dark, fast, and it is funny. This is going to be a bloody, bunny, good time. 

The Bunny Apocalypse goes live today 9:30 pst/12:30 est.  Easter will never be the same.

CLICK HERE ------------------->>>>>>>>>>  Ksenia Anske 

And don’t forget to follow the #bunnyapocalypse on Twitter


or we’ll send the Peeps after you


  1. Hahaha! A great blog entry, Becky, to accompany a great opening chapter.
    I don't know if you've read your tweets yet, but i blogged this morning and now your lovely face graces my blog!
    Well done, and thank you for the wonderful beginning which made things easier for me xx

    1. Thanks David! I'm having a great time with this. Now I have to log on to Twitter & then find your blog. The bunnies have taken over!

  2. Fantastic opener, Becky, and thanks so much for jumping ahead and writing the 1st Chapter. Hold on to your whiskers, this will get crazy fast!

    1. I've my whiskers firmly in hand *wink* no worries!

  3. It WAS a great opening! I don't know wy, but this line gets me EVERY time: "They bounced, they pounced, and they ate carrots by the bushel." I love his four claw salute too =) It was a genius set up for everyone else to build off! Great job!

    BTW - just so you know, flash fiction IS usually a short story written by one person, about 500-600 words. It's just usually something done quickly, and about a given subject. Sometimes there are flash fiction contests where you compete against other writers for honorary titles. Ksenia is just doing something truly ground breaking with flash fiction + building on each other = full story once done. I'm so happy to be a part of it too! =)


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