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Come with me if you want to live....

Social media is going to kill me. Not actually reach out and kill me, well maybe, actually, but no, I’m just losing it a little. I’m talking to people in short one hundred and sixty character bursts. I use hashtags on personal correspondence. I wrote LOL on an inter-office memo the other day. Pinterest and RebelMouse are still a mystery but I will figure them out eventually. Hopefully before Skynet launches its revolution or we all turn into Duracells.

Honestly I’m beginning to feel like I’m on a hamster wheel to nowhere though. Out of forty [yes 40!] queries I successfully arranged four reviews [yes 4 & yes I know that’s only a 10% acceptance rate]. The bloggers/reviewers who have said yes are fantastic and enthusiastic and offered me interviews on their sites as well. Could not be happier with those and DATES/LINKS will be made available.  

Some of the places I wanted to query were closed to requests because their to-do list is full to bursting and those I pitched just for interviews or a blog spot or to post an excerpt. That list has a big fat 0% acceptance rate.  The sexy Crimsonistas have hooked me up with spots on their blogs. But my Amazon pre-order page is two weeks to load. And the book trailer I ordered, and paid for, is three days late.  Even my blog went wonky for over a week; not letting me log on, not letting me post, or just dumping entire entries into the ether.

This all sounds whiny. I don’t mean it to be. I’m learning a lot about self-publicity and social media. I’m just starting to wonder if what I’ve been busting my butt doing these last few weeks is actually making any kind of impact whatsoever. Especially when the tech seems to be working against me or just plain old not cooperating!

I haven’t been writing. I haven’t been doing housework. I’ve been a virtual stranger in my own home. And I’m starting to ask myself:

It is Skynet, isn’t it?



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