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Hot Heroes Faceoff

Crimson Romance Authors Heat Things Up!

Crimson Romance authors love their leading men and are willing to fight for them. In celebration of Lover’s Day on April 23, we’re kicking off the first-ever Hot Heroes Faceoff.

The event will run each Tuesday for the next six weeks, in which two hot heroes will square off for your votes. The winning hero on April 23 will advance to the next round. On June 4 we’ll crown the hot hero for the summer and throw in some prizes here and there along the way!

Our first two heroes squaring off are Jordon from Save MySoul by Elley Arden and Chago from Seal of Surrender by Traci Douglass.

Here’s a little background on their hotties:

Jordon Kemmons wears a Versace suit like it's nobody's business. As a successful baseball agent, he's a tough negotiator who's used to getting his way, but he has a soft spot for free-spirited women who love him flaws and all.

Chago has always been the quiet one amongst his warrior Scion brethren—the brooding, immortal, Spanish combat expert with a hidden soft side. Still, his greatest joy comes not from the battlefield, but from tending the cattle herd on his remote Montana ranch.

Jordon and Chago are currently undergoing intense training with their authors and virtual coaches. How’s it going so far? Here’s what are heroes have to say:

“Honestly, I’m a little miffed she signed me up for something like this during the season,” Jordon said. “I have free agents who want to play ball. But then she talked about having a book to sell, and as a business man and competitor, I couldn’t argue with that. So here I am, wearing her favorite suit and promising to smile on queue. I didn’t promise to shut my phone off, though.”

As a combat expert, Chago was born ready for competition. When pressed, he stated he’s much too busy with running his ranch and saving the world to spend time preparing to be ogled. Brooding by nature and confident in his ability to handle any competition, his only response fit for print was, “Bring it on.”

Who will you vote for on April 23? Join us at:

Join the conversation on Twitter, get updates on how the heroes are training and pick a team. #HotHeroFaceoff

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 


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