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As I’m sure you noticed I’ve put the “Mature Audiences Only” warning up on my blog. There is a very good reason for this: I am reviewing the complete series “More Than a Job” by Sarah Daltry. This is erotica and quite graphic. If you are not over 18 years old: back up!  Now that’s out of the way, let’s get on to the good stuff.  =D

“More Than a Job” is a trilogy which was made available to me by the author, Sarah Daltry, as one complete work. Instead of reviewing each third separately I’m going to take it as it was presented to me, which frankly was how I read it, as one piece; though I am aware of the fact that it is available on Amazon as one and as three separate stories.

The story begins with Jayni: fresh out of college; unsure of what do with her life; no boyfriend; working as a receptionist; and partying with her college buddies at night. She shows up late to work, still in her clubbing clothes, to find her replacement being trained on how to do her job. But it’s okay. She’s not being fired; she’s being offered a promotion. Provided she aces the after-hours interview with the boss/owner of the company, Mike. Oh and hey, Jayni, wear the too short skirt and see through blouse you already have on.

Obviously she passes the audition or it would’ve been a very short story. It’s a full time job as Mike’s escort. She travels with him, has a clothing allowance, great sex with a handsome, older, charismatic man and so long as she doesn’t mind getting whored out to his business associates to seal a deal – which she doesn’t – it’s a win.

Well, until they fall in love with each other and Jayni becomes a sex addict that is. Then things get complicated.

That’s where I’m going to leave the summary, if you want to know more, read more. If you want a nutshell review: Think Pretty Woman if Vivian was a sex addict and Edward didn’t mind Stuckey sticking it to her. =) As for my opinion:  There was a lot I liked and a little bit I didn’t. Sarah does a great job telling a sexy story. It’s very difficult, as everyone knows, to keep emotions out of a passionate relationship. And these two characters fell in love when they didn’t want to. I felt for them. And the sex was hot. Did I mention that? But as the story unfolded I found myself liking Mike less and beginning to feel sorry for Jayni. And there were a couple of sex scenes toward the end, one in particular, which upset me. However, I do consider the fact that I became emotionally involved with the characters a marker of the quality of the writing.

I’ll read Sarah again.  

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


Jayni has no idea what she wants to do and is passing her days after college as a receptionist. When her boss offers her a job pleasing him and his clients, she is ready and willing. What she does not bargain for is falling in love. However, when someone loves sex as much as Jayni does, can she ever have a real relationship? Can one man satisfy her completely?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


What turns you on? I love to tell a dirty story.

I have two novels available:

The Quiver of a Kiss is historical romance/erotica about Helen of Troy. More than a Job is smutty erotic romance broken into three parts or available as one part about a girl who acts as an "assistant," pleasing her boss and his clients.

I also have several collections of shorts (each short is available individually as well):

First Timers 1 features reluctant virgins getting it rough; First Timers 2 is also about virgins, but in a variety of situations. Smells Like Team Spirit 1 is about group sex with a sports theme.

Sometimes maybe I will provide a little tease on my website: http://sarahdaltry.wordpress.com

Follow me on Twitter @SarahDaltry or like me on Facebook (Sarah Daltry Erotica). My email is sarah.daltry@gmail.com

You can also find Sarah & her stories on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/Sarah-Daltry/e/B00BVV0F5W/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


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