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Sam's Temptation by VS Morgan

Title: Sam’s Temptation
Author: V.S. Morgan
Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Length: 86 pages, ~20,000 words
Genre(s): Contemporary Erotic Multicultural Western Foodie Rubenesque

Available many locations including:

Barnes & Noble
Short Blurb:

Sam’s sole purpose is the survival of his family and their ranch. Will he be tempted by a sweet and sassy chef?


On a working vacation in Montana, Chef Gabi Inez’s schedule allows her to enjoy planned activities and hangout with her cousin and his new family. She’s not looking for love, but spending time with a hunky cowboy sounds perfect. Gabi works hard, but every girl needs some fun. What if flirting leads to something more?

Sam Malone is the brains behind Blackbird, a guest and working ranch. Since his parents’ death, his sole purpose has been family and the ranch’s survival. Burned by love in the past, he avoids the distraction that comes with beautiful women. But what’s a cowboy to do when a sweet and sassy chef gets under his skin, only to be told by her overprotective cousin she’s off limits?

He retreated a step, raising his hands in a nonthreatening manner. “Sorry, I want to make sure you aren’t hurt. I was going to save you from that creep, but you beat me to it.”
She tossed her head and dark curls bounced around her face. “This is New York, cowboy. We girls save ourselves.”
Her tone was sassy, but her hands trembled as she set the glass on the counter. The music changed to something soft and slow, and he gave her a reassuring smile. When you fall off your horse, you need to get back on. “You certainly did. If I promise to behave myself, will you dance with me?”
He held out his hand, fully prepared for her to tell him to go to hell.
She hesitated and finally shrugged. “Sure.”
When she placed her small hand in his, his pulse raced.
He led the way to the dance floor and loosely held her, fighting the urge to pull the beautiful woman close and bury his face in her long hair; its unique scent combined with a hint of vanilla and jasmine was intoxicating. His body flamed at each slight touch of their bodies. He’d never experienced an attraction so instantaneous, so urgent. Not even with his ex, Veronica.
“Do you have a name, cowboy?” she asked, her soft voice causing his dick to harden.
It’d been a while, but where was his control, damn it?
“Samuel Malone, brother of the groom.”
She must have really shorted out his brain for him to give his full first name, which he never used. He was Sam, plain and simple.
“Ah, I see the family resemblance. I’m Gabriela Inez, cousin to the other groom.”
This beautiful lady was related to Rafael? Why hadn’t he ever mentioned her? They continued to dance, and sparks flared when she relaxed into him. She was a little thing, even in her sexy stilettos. He hunched to rest his jaw against the top of her head. Perfect. He didn’t pause as the song transitioned to another. No way was one song enough. He eased back and gazed down, taking in her beauty and finally focusing on her full, luscious lips. Suddenly nothing was more important than kissing her…. 

About the Author:

V.S. Morgan has lived all over the US but calls Minnesota her home now. Her family includes her hubby, son, and a menagerie of pets.

She's been writing stories since she could hold a pencil and dreams of happily ever afters - even for two hot men - because love knows no boundaries. V.S. writes MC/IR contemporary, paranormal, and suspense m/f and m/m with heart. 

V.S. is a GLBT ally and a lifetime contributor of The Trevor Project.

Facebook and Goodreads: V.S. Morgan

Twitter: @vsmorgan1 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for hosting me today, Becky!

    1. You are so welcome, VS! I don't understand why the rafflecopter isn't coming up :(

  2. Sam’s Temptation sounds like a book that just keeps it coming. I like book that are full of temptation. Does Sam give in, to her or just to the food? I would love to read this book. It sounds like a book I wouldn't be able to put down! Does he or doesn't he? I really want to know. I really liked the Blurb and the Excerpt, they caught my attention.

    1. Hi Marnie,
      Thanks for stopping by. To find out the answers to your questions, you'll have to read the book. :)


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