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The Love Commission with Vicki Ballante

Gelsey is a savannah sprite—a fairy in Africa who works to preserve the earth. She’s a pro at eco-balance, but when the fairy queen gives her a commission to become a human to learn the meaning of love, she’s miserable. She has to give it her best as it’s the only way to get her dream job—to save the African Wild Cat.

After a short time in her new life, Gelsey is swept into the world of Evan’s love. Now, she must make an impossible choice—give up her life with the man who owns her heart or lose her fairyhood forever.

An excerpt from The Love Commission:

When Evan took her home, she gladly walked toward her door. She took out her keys, but he held her by her waist, stopping her.

“What’s wrong, Evan?”

He didn’t speak. Instead, his gaze focused on her mouth. Was he waiting for her to say something?

“Oh, thank you so much for the meal. I love seafood.”

He smiled but his face drew closer to hers. Heat sprinkled over her at his closeness. He was about to kiss her. She’d seen a human kiss once while saving a domestic cat from being killed by a neighboring dog. The couple had stood by the front door, just like Evan and she were, and their mouths had connected for a long time, like the touch of an insect on a pond, suspended, causing little ripples. She’d walked away, almost disgusted with their strange behavior.

Somehow, everything seemed different. Something rose up within her—a hunger for his skin to touch hers. When his mouth rested on hers, tingles and warmth flooded her body. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer. Their lips seemed to dance together with unplanned movements, each one a drum beat stirring up something powerful in her body and soul. Here was a magic she’d never known. Had any fairy experienced this before? Did they know what kissing felt like?

Much to her disappointment, he pulled away but placed his palm on her cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow, my love.” His nose touched hers, and she tried to kiss him again, but he pulled away.

“Kissing can wait.” His eyes held a tease.

He drove away, leaving her standing by her front door. For a minute she felt lost, unable to remember what to do next. Then she laughed at herself. Fumbling with the key, she went inside and lay down on her bed.

Strange dreams punctuated her sleep—visions of flying up a mountain, something she’d never done. She swam in the sea like a sea fairy and had a stomach swollen with human child. The last one made her jump up with a start. What if she did become pregnant? The queen or Ziana hadn’t mentioned the possibility. All Ziana had said was she should take a special pill from the start of her time in the human world. The pill would stop her from having a baby, just as the humans were in a habit of doing. Ziana obviously knew she would never fall pregnant if she took the medicine. At least she was safe from bearing a human child. If she bore a child, she would be stuck as a human much longer, if not forever.

Ziana had also told her to study sex. She’d read some articles on the Internet and watched a few videos, but they’d horrified her so much she hadn’t spent much time on them.

Kissing was fine but Evan would expect more. Sweat trickled down her temples. She rose and walked to the bathroom to wash her face.

Being a human, she shouldn’t be afraid of sex. It was a natural process of human reproduction. The act just seemed so bizarre. The animal mating habits were straightforward. Maybe the cats could get a little noisy, but there weren’t all these different techniques and ways to do things to make it more pleasurable. Why should it be pleasurable? It was done to make children.

Herein lay the whole question behind her commission. She’d become the guinea pig. The experiment.

Tears came to her eyes. Did the queen know how much this would hurt? How confused she would feel? Afraid and lost? No fairy would ever understand. Neither would a human. She was totally alone. Gripping her arms around her abdomen, she stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Her hair stood up on one side, flat on the other. Her eyes appeared like two murky pools full of algae and filth. Even her cheeks appeared more hollow than usual. Ugh, she looked awful! Loneliness had never featured in her world. She’d been too busy and there’d always been winged friends around to talk to, to laugh and sing with.

The emotion felt like a cold, heavy blanket resting upon her, seeping its icy tendrils right down to her bones. She went back to bed but couldn’t sleep for hours. Eventually, she fell into a fitful sleep.

Author Bio:

Vicki writes erotic and fantasy romance. She loves taking her characters into an alternate world where strange and sexy things happen. She lives with her patient husband and three noisy kids in South Africa. In between being a busy stay-at-home Mom who hates housework and spends half her life cooking everything from scratch, she runs several blogs, writes under another name, and buries herself in the delightful world of her characters.

Buy Links:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Love-Commission-Savannah-Sprites-ebook/dp/B00QMUB6R8
Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/the-love-commission/id948812956?mt=11&uo=4
Kobo: http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/the-love-commission
Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/499778
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-love-commission-vicki-ballante/1120868397?ean=2940149846054

Online Links for Vicki:


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  1. Thank you for hosting me, Becky!

  2. Great post! I really enjoyed reading the excerpt. This book sounds like such an interesting and intriguing read! I will totally have to add it to my "to-read" list.


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