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Back in the Writer's Den with WINTER AUSTIN

Welcome back Winter! We’ve done this a few different times, a few different ways, including letting me interview characters from your books. I feel as though we’ve probably exhausted most of the more serious questions and are both due for a little silly.

Before we get started, I’d just like to say that, in my opinion, your work gets better with each book and to date, Sins of the Father [which I’ve already had the privilege of reading ☺] is far and away your best outing yet. I totally love Xavier.  And look forward to seeing him as a returning, supporting character in later books. Cause you’re not done this series yet. Right?

Read on past Winter’s interview for a blurb and my snapshot review of Sins of the Father, a McIntire County romantic suspense.

With that out of the way, let’s get to it!

If you were a flower, what kind would you be and why?

Well, I asked my husband what he thought, and he said the corpse flower. Needless to say he got whacked for that one.

I’m not even sure. I guess if I were to go with my favorite, it’d be the lily. Why? I have no freaking clue, I just love those.

Would you rather fight 1 horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?

1 horse-sized duck? **eye twitch** I guess. And why fight it, when you can ride! Whoo Hoo!

Just be glad I sight checked “duck” before sending you the interview. What’s your favorite guilty pleasure?

Dark chocolate covered almonds. Or pistachios, which I have to consume right away or hide, because my youngest loves those, too, and he’s a li’l sneak thief.

If you were a brand, what would be your motto?

Sweet Tarts, If you don’t like her as she is, wait ten minutes, she’ll change.

What’s the dorkiest thing you’ve ever done [not counting this completely irrelevant interview]?

Married my dork of a husband. After all, I’m wife of dork.

What one thing in your life do you think you’d miss most if all technology failed tomorrow?

Talking with my friends on a daily basis.

Who do you most want to be, or be like, when you grow up?

At this point, any best selling author who doesn’t have to work for a living and their book sells millions of copies before it even releases. Nora Roberts, James Patterson, J.K. Rowling, any of them, but still be me. :)

If you could change your first name, what name would you pick?

I wouldn’t, ever. Yes, once upon a time when I was younger I didn’t like that my mother named me Winter, but now, I wouldn’t trade it in for a song. Though I would change people thinking I’m a man because of my name. Ha!

If you could date, romantically, one of your own characters who would it be? And why?

OMG, seriously?!?! You had to ask? Awww, now crap. I have to choose? That’s like telling me to pick my favorite kid. You’re so mean. Hmmmmm. Ummmmmm. I wrote too many good ones. But I think my first love will always be Remy LeBeau. Why? He’s my first. And man, oh, man, what girl wouldn’t want to hear him talk Cajun French while he wooed her?

Do you have any regrets?

Lots, but I think you’re wanting me to be more specific. Hmm, how about not making my two eldest get their drivers license sooner.

Thanks for playing along, sweety. And keep those books coming, 'kay?

Winter perpetually answers the question: "were you born in the winter?" with a flat "nope." Having recently changed her address back near her hometown, she has stepped into the chaotic world of a full-time wife, mom, author, coach, and employee. With her ability to verbally spin a vivid and detailed story, Winter has translated that into writing deadly romantic thrillers. Combining her love of all things rural, agricultural, and military, she's turned her small town life upside down. And continues to turn McIntire County upside down and inside out as this seemingly idyllic mid-west town is home to some of the evilest villains I’ve ever read.

In Book 3, Sins of the Father, newly pinned deputy Jolie Murdoch's first big job as a McIntire County deputy is to locate a missing girl. What Jolie doesn't expect is to stumble upon a corpse - the girl's father - with a prime suspect still hanging around. But why would local bartender Xavier Hartmann go off the deep end and bludgeon a man to death?

A former marine, Xavier is barely coping with a traumatic brain injury, and he has no memory of what happened at the crime scene. He came to Eider to confront his past, not get embroiled in a murder as the number one suspect. To make matters worse, as the mystery deepens, Xavier finds himself drawn to the reluctant deputy.

As Jolie fights against mounting pressure to get to the truth, she realizes there's more to Xavier than meets the eye. But someone is lingering on the fringes, determined to put a stop to her investigation and Xavier's freedom. Will Jolie do her sworn duty or buck the status quo to give her and Xavier's newfound passion a chance?

Becky’s Take:

I know I tend to gush over Winter’s books and especially over her heroes, but hey, I’m a fan. Regardless, Sins would have been a home run for me even if I’d never heard of Winter Austin. Xavier is the kind of hero I ah-dore; inside the strong, often craggy, demeanor hides a sensitive, nearly broken, man that I personally want to both save and be saved by. Yum.

But Jolie is riddled with self-doubt and reeling from recent tragedy [see Book 2: Born to Die, not necessary but definitely worth it]. With Xavier’s steamy support, by the intense climax - no pun intended – Winter keeps it clean - becomes the type of strong kick-ass woman I admire.

I know as a writer how difficult it can be to balance romance and suspense. And as a reader, admire Winter’s ability to blend the two. The romance between Xavier and Jolie grows, organically, from within a torrent of horrific murders, kidnappings, cover-ups and small town political agendas. Would they have found each other under different circumstances? Don’t know, don’t care.
Cause this was one hell of a ride.

You can purchase your copy of Sins of the Father now at every major ebook retailer, including:

FYI - Born to Die is on sale in celebration of Sins release for only #99cents at all those same locations.


  1. This is just a perk for me. I have so much fun with your interviews. :)

    1. I think you keep writing great books so you have a reason to come hang out ;)


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