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She asked. He answered. #ALoveRestrained #MFRWhooks


Philadelphia police officer Kylee Parker is dedicated to protecting and serving. She sees the work in absolutes: right and wrong, black and white, good guys and bad guys. That is, until she chases a drug dealer into a dead-end alley and finds the bad boy she had a painful crush on throughout her teen years has turned into a more dangerous and more attractive man. 

Jayson Donovan knows he doesn’t deserve someone as good as Kylee Parker. As the right hand man to a local drug-pushing mobster, he’s solidly on the wrong side of Kylee’s moral compass. But he can’t help reaching for her time and again when he knows he shouldn’t. 

Even when his secrets threaten them both. 

A Love Restrained is on sale now for every Kindle reader only 99¢ http://geni.us/loverestrained

Enjoy the following excerpt from A Love Restrained: 

“Look at me.”
She couldn’t ever remember him talking to her like that. Even the arguments they had, he’d never used that rough voice with her. Her head snapped up, and her anger flashed out.
“That’s better. You want to hear me say what you already know? You want me to beg? Is that it? Not going to happen. I told you how I felt, told you what I wanted the day I came back.”
She remembered what he said that day: I love you. I’ve always loved you. He wouldn’t beg, but his feelings hadn’t changed. She wished she felt the same. “I can’t give you what you want.”
“Then take what you need.”
She took the two steps necessary to close the gap between them. She placed her palms on his shoulders and leaned close. I’ve got to be out of my mind. She feathered her lips across his and with a sense of homecoming she hadn’t expected she sunk into the caress on a soft moan. He growled and his arms banded around her. He whipped around, bracing her back against the car and plundering her mouth.
She’d asked. He answered.


  1. Quite the 'opposites attract' pairing!

  2. Looks like there's going to be a lot of thinking and reassessing matters here.

  3. Forbidden fruit looks tasty. Or, to switch metaphors, he's the flame, she's the moth.

    1. There's a lot of wanting who you can't have (or think you can't) in this book. I like conflicted lovers.

  4. "take what you need" is a powerful invitation. Nice!

  5. A lot of great hooks this week, but this one may be the most romantic!

    Well done, Becky!

    1. Thanks, Lisabet!!!! That's an incredible compliment ♥


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