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Sexy, fast-paced, fun & on sale!

Codename Diana
CIA field agent Paige Fleming hides a cunning intelligence and lethal skill behind a mask of golden beauty. It serves her well as she moves from one undercover assignment to the next.
Current Mission
Retrieve a stolen United States military defense program from a terrorist cell in Dublin, Ireland, before they trade it to Islamic extremists in exchange for munitions. Her only back up on this time-sensitive mission is a deeply embedded MI-6 operative.
Her Asset
Eoin Fitzpatrick has sacrificed everyone he holds dear to bring these terrorists to justice. He’ll sacrifice Diana, too, if she threatens to compromise his mission or his cover. He has orders to do just that – his agency is only doing hers a favor.
Compromised or Comprising?
Paige expects danger, but welcomes passion - taking her pleasure where and when it’s offered. She’s not prepared for the effect Eoin has on her. Or what happens when she surrenders to him. Paige burns for Eoin but will he leave her burned?
(Sensuality: Erotic)

On sale – limited time only – 99¢ for Kindles everywhere!
Enjoy the following excerpt:
“Is it done? Do you and the others in the house bring in sex partners from time to time?” She straightened and stared at him.
“Yes.” He hissed the answer.
“I’m travelling; you and I meet at a pub and go to your place to hook up. It’s simple and happens all the time. Believable, even.” She thought of Michel and her lips tilted at the corners. Then, casting her eyes over Eoin, she deliberately arched a brow and tucked her tongue in her cheek. “Well, for most people, anyway.”
His lips thinned and the muscles in his cheek ticked as he worked to control the flare of temper. It delighted her. “Fine, we’ll do it your way.” Eoin pushed himself from the chair he’d been perched on and nearly charged for the door. “I’ll be here at seven-thirty tomorrow morning, be ready.”
Paige grabbed his arm as he passed her. “What are you so worked up about? If it goes wrong, you can just leave me hanging and you know it. This costs you nothing, Paddy-boy; it’s my ass on the line.”
He grabbed her shirt and pushed her against the closet door. She didn’t fight it and he had his mouth on her in seconds. His tongue delved and demanded she respond; she arched up into the kiss. Delight, desire, and anger thrummed through her as she both succumbed and made demands of her own. His hands molded to her hips and pinned her between the hard planes of his body and the wall behind her. Then he abruptly pulled away. They stood inches apart; the air crackled around them. Their gazes locked. He opened his mouth, then shook his head and left without a word.
       Tie score.
On sale – limited time only – 99¢ for Kindles everywhere!
♥ “She's like a female James Bond, but even more highly sexed!” - Kinky Book Klub
♥ “…if you’re looking for some heat this winter, check out this flame-throwing tale.” - Taylor Made Book Reviews               
♥ “I loved the characters chemistry and how they handled the situation.” - Sarah Says Read Romance
♥ “Becky Flade’s book oozes sexy, steamy love scenes as well as intense drama! I loved it and hope there is more to come!” – BlackmambamasBook Reviews
On sale – limited time only – 99¢ for Kindles everywhere! 

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  1. Quite a duel going on here. Tie score indeed.

    1. They battle from beginning to end; and I loved it so much.

  2. I'm getting Modesty Blaise flashbacks, but hotter.

  3. Lots of tension between these two.

    1. I created a hero that could match my heroine physically, intellectually, cause who else could someone like Paige fall for? Only to realize she'd challenge him at ever turn because that's WHO she is. It made for a LOT of tension

  4. Sounds like a suspenseful, fast moving plot and a romance.
    Beverley Bateman


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