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Fight Club #BeckyFlade

I saw this meme ↑ and I thought, “Damn.”

I loved Fight Club. I also have a thing for David Fincher movies but come on, who doesn’t really, [Fight Club, Seven, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The Social Network, The Game] have a thing for David Fincher movies. And Fight Club (not unlike Bryan Singer’s epic The Usual Suspect) is one of those movies that is so pregnant with subtext that you catch a different theme with each viewing. That’s probably why 20 years later this movie still resonates with viewers, critics and academics.  

But something I never intuited was that life, as I live it right now, is my own personal fight club. That everyone is experiencing their own personal fight club with a daily struggle they don’t talk about. Until I saw that meme and said: DAMN

So, keep fighting. Don’t talk about it. Keep fighting until you go limp or have to tap out. Keep fighting cause this is life baby and none of us are getting out of it alive.


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